Workshop 2: EMDR Therapy, Addictions & Parts (Working with Dissociation)
Presented by Carla Sherwood, EMDRAA Accredited EMDR Consultant & EMDR Institute Facilitator
Carla was first trained in EMDR Therapy in 2015 and since then has been using EMDR Therapy predominately in the field of addiction with great results. Join her on Zoom for a comprehensive and interactive day workshop.
Building on Workshop 1, this 1-day workshop delves deeper into addiction recovery with a focus on working with EMDR Therapy and parts and dissociation.
We’ll explore ways of combining EMDR Therapy and various models and frameworks working with parts and dissociation inclusive of:
The Theory of Structural Dissociation
Internal Family Systems (IFS), and
Ego State Therapy.
Highlights include:
Learning to work with the parts of clients that are holding onto the addiction/self-soothing behaviours
Viewing client videos of working with parts with different systems and different presenting issues including: binge eating, methamphetamine cravings, and OCD type intrusive thoughts
Understanding more about the common dynamics and internal conflicts of addiction, e.g. Wise-minded Adult who likes therapy and wants recovery AND protective parts, inner teenagers, and firefighters who are NOT on board and will hijack the system and engage in relapse and other compulsive self-soothing behaviours
How to help clients explore their inner system with curiosity and compassion to improve their self-understanding and self-insight
Further exploring clinical choice points especially when working with clients with C-PTSD, Dissociation and complex trauma
Lots of Q&A time with Carla and Mike Miller – both with years of experience working with Addictions, EMDR Therapy and parts work
Examples of ‘other compulsive behaviours’ can include issues and dependency regarding:
Self-harming behaviours
Disordered eating
Body-focused repetitive behaviours
Relationships and/or co-dependency
Sex and porn
Social media and internet use
Spending and shopping
Prescription pill dependency
OCD behaviours
To attend this workshop you must have completed Workshop 1: EMDR Therapy, Addictions and Compulsive Behaviours.
$374 inc. GST per person
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Your registration includes 12-month access to recorded workshop presentation. Due to the interactive nature of the workshop, the presentation recording is only available to those who attend on the day.