Crisis Support Contacts
Australia Only
If life is in danger, call 000 for Emergency Services.
Crisis Services
Please note that Sherwood Holistic Psychology does not offer a crisis service.
Lifeline Australia | 13 11 14
Lifeline New Zealand | 0800 543 354
Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800
MensLine Australia | 1300 78 99 78
Beyond Blue | 1300 22 4636
Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling | 1800 011 046
Mental Health Access Line | 1800 011 511
ParentLine | 1300 30 1300
Family Care Medical Services | 1300 550 911
Sunshine Coast Community Assessment and Treatment Team | 1300 767 155
Sunshine Coast Mental Health Service | 1300 642 255
National Suicide Prevention Call Back Service | 1300 659 467
Western Australia
Samaritans | 135 247
Mental Health Emergency Response Line | 1800 676 822
SuicideLine | 1300 651 251
New South Wales
Mental Health Line | 1800 011 511
13 HEALTH | 13 43 25 84
Mental Health Service Helpline | 1800 332 388
South Australia
Mental Health Assessment and Crisis Intervention Service | 13 14 65
Northern Territory
Top End Mental Health Service | 08 8999 4988
Australian Capital Territory
Mental Health Triage Service | 1800 629 354
Alcohol and Drug Support Line | 1800 198 024
Alcoholics Anonymous Australia | 1300 222 222
ADIS - Alcohol & Drug Support | 1800 177 833
Alcohol & Drug Foundation (ADF) | 1300 858 584
DirectLine (Victoria) | 1800 888 236
Family Drug Support (FDS) | 1300 368 186
Eating Disorder Assistance
The Butterfly Foundation | 1800 33 4673
Food Mind Body, Sunshine Coast, QLD | (07) 5406 0393
Eating Disorders, Brisbane, QLD | (07) 3844 6055
Domestic Violence
DVConnect | 1800 811 811
Womensline | 1800 811 811
Mensline | 1800 600 636
Sexual Assault Hotline | 1800 010 210
1800RESPECT | 1800 737 732
Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence
Victims’ rights, counselling and financial assistance | 1800 019 123
Find a helpline - Helplines Partnership
Helplines Partnership’s online directory. A resource containing records of helplines across the UK and internationally.